星期一, 3月 07, 2005

[Film Review] Diarios de motocicleta

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[Book Review] Angels & Demons

Angels & Demons
by Dan Brown

Though I’m neither a serious Hard Sci-Fi fan nor a physicist, my interest and knowledge in it is well enough that Antimatter is no news to me, so this part of ‘enlightenment’ failed. In fact, how it is been used in this story is too Hollywood that I almost stop reading it when I realize it.

However, during the 5 days bumpy ride home in the Southern China Sea, I got nothing else to do but this book. As I continue, despite the typical “Hi-tech used by wrong hands” part, I find it interesting. Especially the endless conflict between science and religion.

I won’t go through my history of transition in believes here, it is a long story starting from 1990. At present, if described in a single word, I’m an “Agnostic”. Not one of any religions provided an answer satisfy me, which I thought that there actually is never going to be an “Answer” for the “Ultimate Question”, so leave it as it were. It’s not just simply disbelieved, but always in doubt. However, I did say this once in a conversation with friends, “If there is any religion I believe in, it’s called SCIENCE”. Imagine the chills I have when I read THAT in the book!

Generally speaking, my believe is more like the Vetra’s, that there are multiple paths leading to one TRUTH. That, and the path(s) taken, could have different names according to your believe. With in all, science is the only method that will provide solid proof. I also believe that the path of science is still at the very beginning, still a lot of questions to solve that by solving some, more questions and problems arise.

About the ambigrams in this book, I felt the same way my sister had at first. As the story goes on, the moment the “Diamond” revealed, I had another thought. When I checked back again on the title page, it is clear enough. Dan Brown is surely a genius, not as to find out the authentic ambigrams, but to make any words into ambigrams.

星期日, 3月 06, 2005




南沙群島或曾母暗沙,小時後地理課考試「中華民國的最南端」的標準答案。直到現在,我才發現今天的中華民國南沙,只有『太平島』。前年聽到拉央拉央﹙Layan Layan﹚的時候,還在氣馬來西亞竟然占據了我們的曾母暗沙。原來,南沙群島或曾母暗沙,是指附近海域全部加起來的所有小島。而占據了我們曾母暗沙的,還有越南和菲律賓!






星期六, 3月 05, 2005

Football Manager 2005

這款在台灣知名度不高的遊戲卻是我認為最好玩的單人足球遊戲。(雖說也可以網路連線,不過連線遊戲還有Fantasy Football。)Football Manager 2005,前身 Championship Manager,簡稱CM。早期只是英國的一間小公司推出的小小文字遊戲,範圍也僅限於英格蘭當地的比賽,到後來資料庫越建越龐大。到了2000年,由球 隊裡的印尼僑生介紹,第一次開始玩的時候(CM 99/00),已經可以任意選擇20多個國家中88個聯賽裡的任何球隊來經營。這遊戲每年出一款,不過有時只是更新資料庫、每年更改的規則、小幅度的修正 引擎和介面。CM 99/00、CM 00/01、CM 01/02 這三款都是採用第三代的引擎。CM4、CM 03/04 用的是第四代引擎,與前代最大的不同,第四代開始有了2D平面的比賽畫面。也就是說,前面三年玩到廢寢忘食的時候,事實上只是在看文字轉撥!今年,採用第 五代引擎,被SEGA買下後換了名字---- Football Manager 2005

CM 系列和一般搖桿控制的足球遊戲最大的差異,在於搖桿控制(美系的EA系列、日系的WE)基本上是比手指。玩家可以隨便用任何11人,管他前鋒後衛、排個 0-0-10、守門員拿到球單刀過全場射門,每場來個 n0 : 0 狂勝。當然,手指練到這樣也算是神級了吧!而CM強調的就是這個M…Manager。當一位總教頭,能掌控的是一切哨音響起前的動作。哨音一旦響起,能做 的只有更改戰術隊型和替換三位球員,然後只有祈禱了。玩CM,要負責訓練表的規劃、會感覺到得分的珍貴、會考慮到球會的財務狀況、會依現況決定最合適的轉 會對象、明星球星會受傷好幾個月、冷板凳會上場。Sevilla會贏皇馬、Leece會贏AC Milan!還有球會與教練、球會與球員、球員與教練、球員與球員間相處的問題。


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在這足球沙漠,資訊取得困難;上網看,資訊又多得無法消化。CM 倒提供了不少有用的現實資訊! 玩99/00發現 Saviola, Requelme, van Nistelrooy 超好用,現在他們也算是獨當一面的明星球員。玩CM4會買Mido, Arjen Robben, Manchini, Ashley Cole,玩CM03/04發現 Tevez, Sanli Tucay 便宜又大碗。FM2005目前找到的這位 Cavenaghi,可能就是2010年世界杯和Tevez搭檔的阿根廷主力了!

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去南沙的四天風平浪靜船程,玩到了四月份。三線作戰,對手越來越強,(一個月內的對手竟都是 Roma – Juv – Inter – Juv – Bolongna - Bayern)主力球員各各精疲力竭! 教練難當啊~~